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Health & Safety

At this time, there are no health & safety restrictions for Intersolar & Energy Storage North America.

FIRST AID: First Aid will be available onsite at the San Diego Convention Center.

SURVEILLANCE: If you see something, say something. Thefts or suspicious activity should be immediately reported to Show Management at the Customer Service Desk located in Registration.

IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY:  Report the emergency by immediately by calling 911 from your phone.

IN CASE OF EVACUATION: Follow the instructions given over the public address system and by uniformed security personnel. Walk, do not run, and use evacuation routes to reach emergency exits. Do not use elevators.

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY IN THE CITY:  Be vigilant about your surroundings while in the city. Call 911 if needed for police, fire department and ambulance. Report any incident to show management at Registration Desk.

For information about accessibility and accommodations available at the San Diego Convention Center, click here.

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