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Controversial CA Storage Installation Licensing Rule on Hold

According to Solar Power World, a September 26 ruling has temporarily halted the enforcement of a California rule that severely restricts solar contractors from installing and servicing BESS. 

The California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) approved a rule in April that prohibits licensed solar contractors from adding and/or performing maintenance on batteries paired with solar panels. The rule further restricts contractors from building solar and storage systems bigger than a certain size for off-grid and/or commercial customers. 

The rule was approved by the CSLB at the behest of California’s investor-owned utilities and their labor union.  

The San Diego County Superior Court failed to acknowledge the economic impact of the ruling on solar contractors and customers alike, according to the preliminary injunction ruling. Since the injunction has been granted, the CSLB rule is now on hold while the trial proceeds. 

“We are thankful the judge recognized the severe harm that would be done to small businesses, the loss of green jobs and how California’s progress in expanding local energy storage capacity would be slowed at a critical time,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of CALSSA, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. 

Read more here. 

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