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DOE Invests $7.5M in Select Projects Utilizing Data Analytics and Sensor Technologies

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE) has announced it will contribute $7.5 million in funding to select projects using cutting-edge data analytics and sensor technologies to further grid stability and resilience. 

The funding is in support of OE’s mission to advance a reliable, resilient, and secure power system amid the growing number of renewable energy sources and distributed energy resources coming online. 

Selected projects will have demonstrated advanced monitoring and control capabilities essential for modernizing the nation’s power grid. These efforts will leverage the latest advancements in data analytics to address system challenges and improve overall grid performance. They will also impact the affordability of electricity, by helping utilities understand system weaknesses and enable rapid grid interconnections for both load and resources. 

“These projects are essential for making our electric grid stronger and more secure,” said Gene Rodrigues, Assistant Secretary, Office of Electricity, in a statement. “They will help utilities quickly identify and solve problems, ensuring a reliable power supply. We’re laser-focused on rapid and widespread implementation to support America’s growing appetite for clean, affordable renewable energy.”   

Currently selected projects include those at Arizona State University, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, New York University, North Dakota State University, University of California – Riverside, University of Kentucky, Guam Power Authority, and Vermont Electric Power Company. 

Learn more here. 

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