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Recurrent Energy to Supply 1,800 MWh of Storage, 150 MWac of Solar Capacity to APS

Global developer, owner, and operator of solar and energy storage assets Recurrent Energy announced it has signed two new tolling agreements with Arizona Public Service (APS). 

The company, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar, signed 20-year tolling agreements that include the Desert Bloom Storage and Papago Solar projects, both located in Maricopa County, Arizona.  

Desert Bloom Storage will become a 600 MWh standalone storage facility and Papago Solar will be a 150 MWac solar facility. They are expected to begin construction in 2025 and become fully operational in 2026. 

The two tolling agreements represent the latest Recurrent Energy has signed with APS; last year, the company announced it secured a 20-year tolling agreement with the utility for its 1,200 MWh Papago Storage project, which is currently under construction. When it becomes operational in 2025, it will be the largest standalone energy storage facility in Arizona. 

The three agreements with APS total 1,800 MWh of energy storage and 150 MWac of solar, which is enough storage to dispatch power for about 72,000 homes for four hours and enough solar to power around 24,000 homes per year. 

“Our partnership with APS on 1.8 GWh of storage and 150 MW of solar capacity represents a remarkable build out of energy infrastructure in the Phoenix area,” Ismael Guerrero, CEO of Recurrent Energy, said in a statement. “APS has long been a leader in clean energy innovation, and we are thankful for APS’s trust as we provide the projects needed to help satisfy Arizona’s growing electricity demand. We look forward to continuing to build an enduring partnership with APS.” 

Read more here. 

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