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RMI’s Clean Growth Tool Identifies Top US Cities, States for Clean Energy Manufacturing

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) has launched the Clean Growth Tool, a new analytical and data platform identifying U.S. states, cities, and regions where renewable energy is most likely to thrive due to existing strengths and related economic characteristics. 

The Clean Growth Tool covers sectors, technologies, and industries associated with clean energy supply chains and various stages of the energy transition. It offers a metropolitan statistical area (MSA), covering cities and their immediate surroundings and economic area (EA), which is comprised of urban and rural areas. 

According to, RMI’s tool builds on economic methods first introduced at the Harvard University Center for International Development and workforce development research at the Brookings Institution. 

It provides insights on the propensity for potential development and manufacturing of clean energy solutions related to energy tech, agricultural health and waste management, building and construction, vehicles, mineral and metals, forestry, and chemical industries. It was designed to provide policymakers and investors with the necessary data to pursue the most promising renewable energy opportunities to bolster local prosperity and domestic competitiveness. 

“Cities and states need to know where it makes sense to invest to be most competitive amid the global clean energy manufacturing boom,” said RMI senior principal Aaron Brickman. “We’re giving policymakers and investors the workforce and industry data they need to unleash their full potential, spur innovation, boost productivity and create new export opportunities. America can successfully compete in the manufacturing of not only emerging technologies like clean steel, but also widely deployed ones like solar. Economic competitiveness is key to sustained job growth in cleantech manufacturing, and we hone our competitive edge by steering the right investments to the right places.” 

Read more here. 

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