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Caitlin Smith

Caitlin Smith

Caitlin Smith, Vice President of Policy and Corporate Communications for Jupiter Power, is an energy professional with thirteen years of experience in electricity market policy, regulatory and government affairs. For the last ten years, she has focused on electricity market design and has worked both as an advocate for policies that enhance competitive energy markets and as an advisor on the commercial and financial impacts of energy policy. In her current role, Caitlin has responsibility over Jupiter Power’s policy positions related to the commercial operations of utility scale energy-storage in power markets throughout North America and leads the company’s corporate communications and public relations.

Caitlin has specific in-depth experience with the ERCOT market and was the first in-house counsel for the Independent Market Monitor to ERCOT. She is 2024 Chair, and past Vice Chair, of ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee, the highest committee comprised of stakeholders, which makes recommendations to the ERCOT Board. She founded the Texas Energy Storage Coalition and is an active advocate in front of the Texas Public Utility Commission and the Texas Legislature.

Caitlin is dedicated to promoting women in energy and policy and has been active in volunteering with the Gulf Coast Power Association’s EmPOWERing Women Program, with the Women of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Industries, and as a contributor to Pink Granite, a network and foundation that promotes women in policy and politics in Texas. Caitlin founded Jupiter Power’s Women’s Professional Development Initiative in 2022.

Caitlin holds a Bachelor of the Arts in Economics from the University of Texas, a Juris Doctor from Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Laws in Environmental & Natural Resource Law and Policy from the University of Denver.

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