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The 2025 event featured hands-on, pre-conference workshops offering technical training with actionable takeaways.

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

PV and storage system installed capacity continues to grow each year, emphasizing the need for proper operations and maintenance (O&M) to realize operational goals. This rapid growth has created a workforce development challenge as there is a shortage of qualified technicians that can safely and effectively perform the work, and the industry has suffered from standardized methods and training.

This course covers how workforce development initiatives, codes and standards, and improved training programs can help the sector to scale up. It will also explore best practices for performing a range of O&M tasks, including inspections and preventive maintenance, testing, and troubleshooting, along with advanced analytical tools, meters, and techniques such as infrared cameras, insulation resistance testers, I-V curve tracers, and other key tools for safely and efficiently performing O&M work.

This course covers all sizes of grid-direct PV systems including residential, commercial, and large-scale, but does not cover battery maintenance or medium voltage-specific O&M tasks.

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

This course, presented by Nick Matthes, outlines best practices for installing solar PV systems, while also identifying common violations and mistakes. These best practices are intertwined with National Electrical Code requirements, providing attendees with practical applications to relevant code requirements.

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
The NEC workshop with Bill Brooks and Sean White includes Building and Fire Codes for 6 hours of NABCEP Credit. Bill is a key contributor on NEC Code Making Panel 4 and spends a lot of time developing codes and standards in the PV and energy storage industry, such as the International Residential Code, the International Fire Code, and NFPA 855. Sean, a NABCEP registered provider, teaches, writes curriculum, books, and has a podcast. “PV and the NEC”, one of the books Bill and Sean co-wrote, is currently on its 3rd edition, based on the NEC. This National Electrical Code (NEC) workshop will cover:
  • NEC 690 Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
  • NEC 706 Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
  • NEC 705 Interconnected Power Production Sources
  • NEC 625 EV charging and Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
  • NEC 691 Large-Scale PV over 5MW
  • Insight into the 2026 NEC
  • Other associated articles
It will also dive into some building and fire codes, such as:
  • International Residential Code
  • International Fire Code
  • NFPA 855 Energy Storage Systems
The workshop will feature additional material, including:
  • The latest on using Insulation Piercing Connectors (IPCs) for supply-side connections (and why they changed the name to Source Connections to a Service)
  • Requirements for installing energy storage in your garage, such as heat detectors and vehicle impact protection
  • UL 9540 vs. UL 9540 A for energy storage systems
  • Rapid Shutdown and UL 3741
  • How to pass a NABCEP certification exam for job security
  • How to go about using engineering supervision
  • All the “good stuff” in the NEC
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